I have to admit, I knew this would not be a family favorite as I started chopping broccoli and dicing onions. Cheezy Cream of Broccoli Soup is on SBK page 54. I was sooooo jonesing for some comfort food, that this just seemed to fit the bill. The Skinny Bitches' comment on the bottom of the page says "So Friggin' Good" and they are right. Yum-a-licous! I'm happy that by boys weren't interested, because that means I own the whole pot! I have lunch for a week! Sweet! Now, you can't make this soup without thinking about Saturday Night Live. There is a great skit from the '90s where Dana Carvey is singing at the piano and add-libbing a song that becomes about "choppin' broccoli". Yes, really. It goes something like, "She went to the store . . . she bought some - - - broccoli . . . she brought it hoooooome . . . She's choppin' broccoli . . .choppin' broccoli . . . choppin b - r - oc - co - liiiiiiiii." It just got funnier and funnier as it went. It was so funny, when I was a counselor at Camp Susquehannock for Girls we acted out the song and threw broccoli into the audience. Anyway, this soup doesn't actually take that much choppin'. Rough cut 1/2 an onion and 2 large heads of broccoli and you are done. After a little cooking, you let the blender do the work, and soon you have a warm, comforting, filling soup. Husband wouldn't eat it because he doesn't like cheesey soups. "It isn't cheese, it is dairy-free" didn't change his mind. Boys wouldn't try it because they followed in dad's uncooperative footsteps. One spoonful would have turned them into soup lovers! I loved it! It is satisfying, soothing, and healthy. It re-heat very well. It travels to a middle school and sits in a communal refrigerator very well. It smells good and students who enter your classroom after lunch will say "what smells so good?" Penny pinching: This is a cheap pot of soup. The 6 oz. of vegan cheddar are the most expensive ingredient. Vegan cheese comes shredded in 2 cup quantities, 1 oz slices, or 10 oz. blocks. You can find vegan cheese at Healthy U and Wegmans. Getting Off Topic: One benefit of shopping at Healthy U is their wide assortment of cookbooks and resources. You can find a bookshelf or two filled with cookbooks that suit your specific need: celiac and gluten free, dairy free, raw food, vegan diet . . . you name it they have it or they will order it for you. They also carry a great magazine I can't find anywhere else, called Clean Eating. Check it out! Meal Idea: This soup can be made into a dinner by adding a loaf of bread and a tossed salad, or crostini topped with a tomato relish of some kind. Slurp and enjoy! I think the Skinny Bitches are on to something with this yummy soup.
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