If you haven't been to the Ithaca Farmer's Market, why not? It is a little slice of food-groovy heaven! It is not too late, the market is open through September and in to October. Google it and check for exact dates, but most Saturdays it is open until 3pm.
I visited on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. Loved it! I picked up a quick lunch at Macro Mama's, and because of the super long line (always a good sign that the food is worth waiting for) I hit the Express Lane for some Lime-Ginger Noodles and Corn Fritters. I realize this constitutes carbo-loading, but hey, a girl has to have a little fun. Both were delicious. I think I got the last batch of fritters available that day. The lady who served them to me said I got lucky.
My other goal was finding some healthy herbs for my kitchen window. No problem. I found herbs 4/$10.00 at a corner stall. I got sage, tri-color sage, rosemary, chives and oregano. I filled out my window herb garden with cilantro and basil plants.
As the market was closing I found a veggie stand with the best looking eggplant I have seen all summer. Long and skinny, great for slicing and making lasagna. So, I toted them away along with a quart of heirloom tomatoes. Sweet!
It was the best $30 I spent all summer! I sat by the water and people watched for awhile. Lots of students, since both Cornell and Ithaca college are back in session. Lots of over-50 couples. Is it just me, or were a lot of people holding hands? Alas, I ventured to Ithaca alone, so no hand-holding.
I did wish that I had geared up and brought my kayak, because the water was beautiful. I met a lady who had done just that. I overheard her telling someone that she had back surgery 7 years ago and her doctor said she would never kayak again. She was busy proving him wrong. Having just had back surgery a month ago, I was all ears. She pulled her kayak on a set of wheels, like a shopping cart tote, and was headed out to paddle after a market lunch. She tried to put in at the dock, but the water was too low, so she opted for pushing off of a sandy point a little ways down from the dock. Sure enough, a nice man in cycling gear saw her managing the transition and offered to lend a hand. So nice!
It was a great getaway! Lunch, a little earth-friendly shopping, beautiful scenery, beautiful people . . .and a nice ride home with the windows open and "This American Life" on the radio.
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