Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Spaghetti and Meatballs, Please, Mom!"

Okay, so my son wants spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. How do I fit that into my SB attitude? Simple. I made the Basic Red Sauce, page 156 SBK and served it on Kamut* spaghetti. Meatballs? I wasn't feeling very adventuresome, so I heated up turkey meatballs from the freezer. I am embracing my inner SB, but I'm not perfect!

Success! My 14 year old complimented the dinner! Whooo hooo! The 10 year old ate it, too! He did ask what the green stuff was, but 14 year old told him "just eat it, it doesn't taste like anything." I hope my hydroponic basil plant wasn't offended.

The sauce was really fresh tasting and flavorful. The combination of canned tomato and fresh herbs, onion and garlic was perfect over the kamut pasta. I like the noodles al dente, and the sauce clung to the pasta. I love that! The sauce was thick and the completed dish looked very appealing. Good Job Skinny Bs!

*what is kamut? it is a wheat, originally found in Egypt, has a longer cooking time (12 minutes for spaghetti), high in protein and 2g of fiber per 2oz serving, light in color so nobody will notice that it is a little different.

Math: My latest trips to Wegmans, Healthy U, and Big Lots have really added up to a huge grocery bill this week. My new SB endeavor, plus my 14 year old starting to eat like a teenager, have really added to the grocery bill. So, I did a little math with this recipe.

3/4 lb Kamut Pasta: $1.00
12 small frozen turkey meatballs: $1.70
Basic Red Sauce, (no wine or hot sauce) $2.40

Total: $ 5.10

That is not bad at all! Add 1/3 of a seedless watermelon (in season) $1.00, and dessert made yesterday, Dream Bars, and I had a cheap meal for 4.

So, once I purchase the staples, that should last through at least the next month or two, this is a healthy AND financially savvy way to cook and eat. Okay, that reduces my grocery bill guilt!

Current Count: 6 recipes completed

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